The Journal of Liquid Biopsy
ISLB Announces the Launch of the New Open Access Journal – The „Journal of Liquid Biopsy” and Prof. Umberto Malapelle as Editor-in-Chief
Dear ISLB Members and Scientific Community, as President of The International Society of Liquid Biopsy (ISLB), it’s my pleasure to announce, on behalf of our Executive Committee, the creation of our new open access publication, The Journal of Liquid Biopsy.
This Journal, published by Elsevier, means a great opportunity for everyone who is working in the area of liquid biopsy. From research, translational and clinical application, it’s an excellent forum for scientific divulgation but also networking, both of the pillars of our Society. Prof. Umberto Malapelle, as Editor in Chief, together with a multidisciplinary editorial board, will lead this effort. The Journal of Liquid Biopsy is the first open access publication exclusively focused in the field and will join together with Critical Reviews in Oncology/ Hematology (CROH) the two official Journals of our Society.
Prof. Malapelle has an extensive experience in journal publication process, serving a Deputy Editor of the CROH for years and with an impressive record of publications in the field of liquid biopsy and precision oncology. He is a renowned international expert in molecular pathology and implementation of new technologies.
The editorial board, which we will announce during the 5th Annual Liquid Biopsy Congress in Madrid on November 2023, will represent all the experts and cover all the aspects of liquid biopsy.
Looking forward to receiving your manuscripts!
Prof. Dr. Christian Rolfo
President of ISLB on behalf of the Executive Committee
About the Journal
The Journal of Liquid Biopsy aims to cover the research insight into the molecular pathways analyzed by using liquid biopsy-based biomarkers (cfDNA, ctDNA, miRNA, CTC, extracellular vesicles, protein, etc.) and their relative clinical implication.
An integrated approach that includes molecular findings, technical aspects, and clinical data is encouraged to provide a comprehensive view of liquid biopsy.
The editors welcome papers that:
- Clarify molecular mechanisms behind analytes relapse in torrent blood;
- Provide a clinical interpretation of molecular insights regarding the implementation of liquid biopsy-related biomarkers;
- Identify technical issues for liquid biopsy-related biomarkers identification, detection, and analysis;
- Promote novel technical strategies capable of successfully evaluating the molecular landscape of liquid biopsy-related biomarkers.
About the Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Umberto Malapelle is the Chair of Predictive Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Department of Public Health of the University Federico II of Naples and he is an Associate Professor at the same Institution. He serves as Scientific Secretary of the ISLB. His main research interest is in the field of genomic biomarkers testing for predictive information in the field of solid tumors and during the years he has developed skills in tailoring Next Generation Assays for several different applications with a special focus on the simultaneous detection of clinically relevant biomarkers on different sample types, such as tissues and/or liquid biopsy specimens.

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